Stone story
Stone produced by Finska is extracted according to the Finnish method of dimension stone quarrying. Every stage of the quarrying process is highly mechanized and rationalized. Special machinery is developed for each stage.
The method guarantees large-scale production all the year round, with blocks of uniform high quality in a size and shape that meet the requirements of our customers.
Blocks quarried by Finska already fulfil the criteria of the planned CEN/TC246.
The large-scale production enables us to maintain strict quality standards and provides sufficient material of uniform colour and quality for any size project.
Since 1997 Finska has used also wire saws in quarrying. Instead of drilling and blasting diamond wires are used to loose, divide and shape granite blocks. Wire saws are well used method all aroung the world. It diminishes noice level and environmental discomfort as there's less need to use explosives.